Monday, November 18, 2013

Rotate a Video 90 degrees with VLC

Rotate a Video 90 degrees with VLC or Windows Live Movie Maker

Have you ever captured video with your cell phone or camcorder only to discover when you play it back on your computer that the video is rotated 90 degrees? Or maybe you shot it that way on purpose because you preferred portrait style to a landscape view? Before you go straining your neck or flipping your monitor on it’s side to watch your video, we’ll show you a few easier methods.
If you simply want to rotate the video while you watch it, we’ll show you how to accomplish that with VLC Media Player. If you want to convert the video so it is rotated permanently, we’ll show you how to do that with Windows Live Movie Maker and output your video as a WMV file.
Rotate and Watch a Video in VLC
Download, install, and run VLC Media Player. (See download link below)
Open your video file by going to Media  > Open File… and browsing for your file. Or, by just dragging and dropping your video onto the VLC player.
Choose Tools from the Menu bar and select Effects and Filters.
On the Video Effects tab, tick the Transform checkbox and choose your degrees of rotation. The video is rotated counter-clockwise, so to rotate clockwise 90 degrees you’ll want to choose Rotate by 270 degrees.
Now you can enjoy your video the way it was intended to be viewed.
Rotate and Convert the Video with Windows Live Movie Maker
Starting with Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker no longer comes pre-installed with the OS. It’s now part of the Windows Live suite that is available as a separate, free download for Windows 7 and Vista. (Windows XP is not supported) You can find the link to our detailed instruction on how to install Windows Live at the end of the article.
To add your video files to Windows Movie Maker, click on Add videos and photos on theHome tab, or drag and drop the video into the blank area on the right side of the application.
Next, you’ll need to rotate the video. Staying on the Home tab, click on the Rotate right 90°
or Rotate left 90°.
You’ll see your video is now oriented properly on the left.
To save and convert your video to WMV format, click the Movie Maker tab just to the left of the Home tab. Hover your cursor over Save movie, and then select your output settings. You also have the option to burn directly to DVD.
Browse for a location to save it and rename the output file if you’d like. Click Save.
You’ll be notified when the file is complete.
Now you’ll have your video properly oriented in WMV file format.
These are two rather easy ways to accomplish rotating your video. Unfortunately, Windows Live Movie Maker doesn’t give you a lot of  options for output. If you want to output to a file, your only choice is WMV format or DVD. However, previous versions will also allow you to export to AVI.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

A simple interpreter from scratch in Python

Structure of the interpreter

The core of the interpreter is the intermediate representation (IR). This is how we represent IMP programs in memory. Since IMP is such a simple language, the intermediate representation will correspond directly to the syntax of the language; there will be a class for each kind of expression or statement. In a more complicated language, you would want not only a syntactic representation but also a semantic representation which is easier to analyze or execute.
The interpreter will execute in three stages:
  1. Split characters in the source code into tokens
  2. Organize the tokens into an abstract syntax tree (AST). The AST is our intermediate representation.
  3. Evaluate the AST and print the state at the end
The process of splitting characters into tokens is called lexing and is performed by a lexer. Tokens are short, easily digestible strings that contain the most basic parts of the program such as numbers, identifiers, keywords, and operators. The lexer will drop whitespace and comments, since they are ignored by the interpreter.

The process of organizing tokens into an abstract syntax tree (AST) is called parsing. The parser extracts the structure of the program into a form we can evaluate.

The process of actually executing the parsed AST is called evaluation. This is actually the simplest part of the interpreter.
This article will focus solely on the lexer. We will write a generic lexer library, then use it to create a lexer for IMP. The next articles will focus on the parser and the evaluator.

(How to Write a (Lisp) Interpreter (in Python))

What A Language Interpreter Does

A language interpreter has two parts:
  1. Parsing: The parsing component takes an input program in the form of a sequence of characters, verifies it according to thesyntactic rules of the language, and translates the program into an internal representation. In a simple interpreter the internal representation is a tree structure that closely mirrors the nested structure of statements or expressions in the program. In a language translator called a compiler the internal representation is a sequence of instructions that can be directly executed by the computer. As Steve Yegge said"If you don't know how compilers work, then you don't know how computers work." Yegge describes 8 scenarios that can be solved with compilers (or equally with interpreters, or alternatively with Yegge's typical heavy dosage of cynicism.) The Lispy parser is implemented with the function parse.
  2. Execution: The internal representation is then processed according to the semantic rules of the language, thereby carrying out the computation. Execution is implemented with the function eval (note this shadows Python's builtin function).
Here is a picture of the interpretation process and an interactive session showing how parse and eval operate on a short program:

>> program = "(begin (define r 3) (* 3.141592653 (* r r)))"
>>> parse(program)
['begin', ['define', 'r', 3], ['*', 3.141592653, ['*', 'r', 'r']]]
>>> eval(parse(program))
We're using here the simplest possible internal representation, one where Scheme lists, numbers, and symbols are represented as Python lists, numbers, and strings, respectively.

Programming Community Index for October 2013

Oct 2013
Oct 2012
Delta in PositionProgramming LanguageRatings
Oct 2013
Oct 2012
11C17.246%-2.58%  A
22Java16.107%-1.09%  A
33Objective-C8.992%-0.49%  A
44C++8.664%-0.60%  A
56PHP6.094%+0.43%  A
65C#5.718%-0.81%  A
77(Visual) Basic4.819%-0.30%  A
88Python3.107%-0.79%  A
923Transact-SQL2.621%+2.13%  A
1011JavaScript2.038%+0.78%  A
1118Visual Basic .NET1.933%+1.33%  A
129Perl1.607%-0.52%  A
1310Ruby1.246%-0.56%  A
1414Pascal0.753%-0.09%  A
1517PL/SQL0.730%+0.10%  A
1613Lisp0.725%-0.22%  A
1712Delphi/Object Pascal0.701%-0.40%  A
1853Groovy0.658%+0.53%  B
1919MATLAB0.614%+0.02%  B
2026COBOL0.599%+0.15%  B