Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Extracting a timing model from a gate-level netlist

ETM (Extracted Timing Models) basics

In a design Once a block has met its timing constraints at the gate level, the detailed internal timing of the block is not needed for chip-level timing analysis. For that we can create/write a timing model for that block.

Timing Model of the block

Should completely model the full input/output timing characteristics without requiring the complete netlist of the block.
Do not model every path in the block. Internal registerto register paths are generally discarded, as these paths can be analyzed at the block level using the complete gate-level netlist.

Synopsys has a tool named as PrimeTime and its most trusted and advanced timing sign-off solution for gate-level STA tool. Its accuracy is within 5% of SPICE.

Prime Time Provides following types of advance timing models.

Interface Logic Models (ILM) for hierarchical static timing analysis and sign-off
Extracted Timing Models (ETM) in .lib format for cell-based reusable IP and physical design flows
Quick Timing Models (QTM) for top-down design
In this Blog we will discuss only about the ETM models basic. For More detail please refer "ETM (Extracted Timing Models) - More detail" blog.

ETM (Extracted Timing Models):-
Block based model (.lib)
Contents of block are hidden
Original netlist replaced by model containing timing arcs for block interfaces.
NLDM lookup tables are extracted for each of the timing arcs.
These arcs whose delay are a function of input transition and output load. This makes ETM usable with different input transition times and different output loads.
Multiple modes per model
Single PVT per model
Used for implementation (not sign-off) of IP models. Here the content are protected because the model contains abstracted timing information, without any netlist information.
ETM model Illustration:

Types Of ETMs:
There are 2 types of ETM avaliable-
Liberty library cell (.lib)
Note: Most frequent usages is the .lib cells.

Developing of ETM Models:
Developing an ETM model in Primetime consists of three high level steps:
Preparing for the ETM
Creation of the ETM
Verification of the ETM

ETM scripts example:
As such the flow of the script vary from design to design and company to company, but following example just give a rough idea about the commands for generating the ETM. I will suggest you to check the PrimeTime user-guide for more details.

ETM creation :
# Template for ETM extract when using spef #

set BLOCK "blockname"
set NETLIST "blockname.v"
set SPEF "blockname.spef"
set SDC "blockname.sdc"

# Preserve unconnected nets
set svr_keep_unconnected_nets true

# set search_path and link_library

# Read and link netlist
read_verilog $NETLIST
current_design ${BLOCK}
# for nets not annotated
set_wire_load_model -name B0.1X0.1
# Read spef
read_parasitics $SPEF
# Read constraints
read_sdc $SDC
set_propagated_clock [all_clocks]

# Define operating conditions
set_operating_conditions -library g65xp lsiW_090V_125C \
-analysis_type on_chip_variation

# Set extract_model variables
# Note: These should be considered example settings. Final variable
# settings ultimately depend on the specific design usage.
set extract_model_data_transition_limit 0.75
set extract_model_clock_transition_limit 0.75
set extract_model_capacitance_limit 1.0
set extract_model_num_clock_transition_points 7
set extract_model_num_data_transition_points 7
set extract_model_num_capacitance_points 7
set extract_model_use_conservative_current_slew true
set extract_model_enable_report_delay_calculation true

# to create an ETM model with propagated clocks:
set extract_model_with_clock_latency_arcs true
extract_model -output ${BLOCK} -format {db lib} \
-library_cell -test_design



ETM verification:

# Template for ETM verification #

set BLOCK "blockname"
set NETLIST "blockname.v"
set SDC "blockname.sdc"
set ETM_MODEL "${BLOCK}_lib.db"
set ETM_TEST "${BLOCK}_test.db"

# Compute the interface timing of the netlist.

# Read in reference netlist design
read_verilog $NETLIST
current_design ${BLOCK}
set_wire_load_model -name B0.1X0.1
read_parasitics $SPEF
read_sdc ${SDC}
set_propagated_clock [all_clocks]
set_operating_conditions -library g65xp lsiW_090V_125C \
-analysis_type on_chip_variation
write_interface_timing netlist_report.txt

# Compute the interface timing of the ETM model.

# Remove reference netlist and read in ETM model
remove_design -all
lappend link_path ${ETM_MODEL}
read_db ${ETM_TEST}
current_design ${BLOCK}_test
# set wire_load that has 0.0 cap loading
set_wire_load_model -name TSMC_CLN90G_WLM_0.0
## alternatively, use
#set_load -wire_load 0 *
read_sdc ${SDC}
set_propagated_clock [all_clocks]
source ${ETM_CONST}
write_interface_timing model_report.txt

# Compare the interface timing for the netlist vs ETM model.

compare_interface_timing -absolute_tolerance 0.1 \
netlist_report.txt model_report.txt -output cmp.rpt


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